Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Then came the paintbrush and the paint....

I think he made a deal with the Devil to get this good...

Once again we start with a picture of models not like my own. Some people find that looking at better painted models than your own can be very off putting. There was even an article by Jervis Johnson in the latest White Dwarf (plugging GW there cause they sorely need it) addressing this. Myself I found it had the opposite effect on my painting.

Similar to most people I started collecting the hobby when I was but a child.My classification of whether a model was painted or not consisted usually of one single coat of paint and if I was lucky this wouldn't be the glossy model car paint kind.

One of my earlier masterpieces...

However I went through a change (stop giggling) about 10 or so years ago. I remember constantly pouring through my copies of White Dwarf, looking at the models that the Eavy Metal team had painted. Yes I was amazed, mystified and the mind still boggles at how they can paint so well but it never put me off. I looked at those photos in detail, working out how to layer through this and a little bit of my own experimenting. Then came the highlights and so forth but over the years I have gotten better through tackling the unknown. The articles on painting may have had a part to play in my development as well.

But your not hear to listen to me waffle on about how I became a better painter, you came to see my progress. So without further a do we we shall start with the Blood Angels.

Yes they are missing their guns and the Sergeant seems to be missing his backpack. Plus the more astute of you will point out they are not based so not complete. The lot of you would be correct in pointing this out (you will suffer for your attentiveness) however this was new ground for me. 

I had always steered away from a bright red colour scheme in the past because I never was able to do it without a white undercoat on the model. Now we painters can be very picky and I like my models undercoated black because if you miss that little bit under the armpit that can only be seen at one very obscure angle, if it was black undercoated it wouldn't be noticeable  With white it would stand out more than Brian Blessed in a Library. 

I digress, so I tried out bright red using the scheme suggested with the new paints and I think it came out really, really well. I want to try out some assault marines next mainly because I like the way the Blood Angels change the colour of their helmets based on their function. 

So that is it for tonight, of the completed models possible Chaos, possible Dark Eldar next. I will however show you what I am currently working on, adios.

He swaggers just like Jagger...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you joining us in the world of online blogging. Your painting is excellent, and I suspect you're probably going to be outstripping me on getting things finished, too!
