Monday 21 January 2013

An then came the plague....

It was a lot worse than this....honest!
Been a while since I posted. Feels like weeks have gone by but the Internet tells me less than two weeks have passed since my last post. I would like to blame it on a number of things including the common cold (plus a virus) but in all honesty it's laziness on my part.

Illness aside it hasn't been an unproductive two weeks. My enthusiasm has been nothing but on the up an up and I managed to start sorting through some of the models that I have knocking about. there has however been a shot across the bow metaphorically speaking with the photos being leaked of new Warriors of Chaos out in just two weeks. New army book and some gorgeous models means lots of temptation for me. 

Cthulhu would be proud
Especially these guys who are a vast improvement on the Gary Morley versions that have been in use for as long as I have been on this planet.

Anyway, last time I posted I promised pictures of other models I have painted so far and I do after live to please.....enjoy.

Some of the Night Lord models. Need to work on my lighting for my photos. Also I just need to finish backpacks and also add some lightning to some of the armour plates. 

One of my 9 Dark Eldar Jetbikes. These things are amazing in game and pretty cheap for what they can do. Also pretty easy to paint.

That concludes finished models. Got about a week left in the first month, quite a high standard set to complete but cracking along. All my Blood Angel models have been basecoated when I got bored so a lot of those to complete. Plan on finishing a lot of the bases for models this coming weekend and setting up a proper schedule.

Toodle pip...

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