Wednesday, 20 February 2013

An a little more....

I didn't want to clog the first post back after a while with lots of photos so here is another post.

As you can guess the painting is going hard and I have a few treats for you.

This is one of the three Helbrutes that I own. This was painted before I decided I was going to do Night Lords. I am not particularly happy with the skin as painted but the armour I am very proud of. The striping effect is only on a few plates of the model, I was careful with my highlights and as a result managed to give the impression that all the plates are scoured. Force wise it is going to be okay as I plan on having some Death Guard to go in the army so it can be an alliance of Nurgle and Unaligned.

An now for some works in progress.

Some Blood Angels Assault Marines, they are almost finished but I like how the skin has come out and strangely their blonde hair as well.

Some of the Chaos Cultists from the Dark Vengeance set. The second guy may or may not look like a Cawdor gang member. I may have been unable to resist painting him in that colour scheme.

Now the good part (as if the other bits weren't), I was mulling this over for a bit since the job advertisement came up and after some suggestions from a number of people (including Staff at the HQ) I have decided to go for it. The Army Painter job with Games Workshop.

Now I need four high quality photos of models representing my painting skills. It suggests pictures of squads as well as single models. Now that I have set my mind on applying, I need to pick what I will submit. Now I think the key will be showing as much of my talent as possible, so different colours and techniques.

So far I have decided it will consist of two 40k photos, one Warhammer and one Lord of the Rings (or Hobbit if you want to be picky). Now 40k I have a lot of choice with 5 big armies and some models from a variety of others. I think we will need to have some Space Marines in there as they are the staple of the GW hobby. It is the other three that I am undecided on at the moment.

Over the next weeks I hope to have selected what models I will be using and also painted them where necessary.

Toodle pip!

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